viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Create a compound or complex sentence with the simple ones

  1.  I help to conserve natural sites, I save energy,  I recycle glass (compound complex): If  I recycle glass I help to conserve natural sites and I save energy.
  2. People prefer using glass to plastic. Glass is cheaper than plastic. (Complex): People prefer using glass to plastic because glass is cheaper than plastic.
  3.  Students need to change activities constantly; their concentration spam could last 15 or 20 minutes. (Complex): students need to change activities constantly because their concentration spam could last 15 or 20 minutes. 
  4. The teacher prefers the floor to work, the chairs are not appropriate for them (Complex): The teacher prefers the floor to work because the chairs are not appropriate for them.
  5. This second game works much better; the students are familiar with the game first (complex): game works much better when the students are familiar with the game first
  6. Paula and Carlos ate hot dogs, Alonso drunk a soda: (compound). Paula and Carlos ate hot dogs but Alonso drunk a soda.
  7. You were sad, the party was over (Complex): You were sad when the party was over
  8. We all have a nice party night, you stayed worried at home. (Complex): We all have a nice party night while you stayed worried at home.
  9. Joe waited for the train. The train arrived late. (Complex): The train arrived late, but Joe waited for it
  10.  Marie is French, she has a particular accent in English, I don’t understand, she speaks : (compound-complex): Marie has a particular accent in English because she is French, however I don’t understand when she speaks. 

Identify the type of sentence – simple, compound or complex

I went into town and then I drove to Manchester airport.

All of a sudden, in the middle of the match, the phone rang.    
Because the bridge wasn't properly maintained by the government, it fell down.

The girl had a blister on her heel.  
Maria wanted a new bicycle, so she got a job to earn money
The panda ate loads of bamboo shoots.     
Caravans were parked all the way along the coast.

Create a compound or complex sentence with the simples ones

1.          She was always late; she still got good grades (compound): She was always late but she still got good grades.

2.          John runs up the hill, Mary calls the fire department (complex):  John runs up the hill while Mary calls the fire department.

3.          I stayed at home, my son and my mother went to shopping (Complex): I stayed at home while my son and my mother went to shopping .

4.          It was an accident, the car didn’t stop, (complex): It was an accident because the car didn’t stop.

5.          They stayed on the beach, the sun shone (complex): They stayed on the beach while the sun shone

6.          Camila and Felipe are tired; they were dancing last night (complex): Camila and Felipe are tired because they were dancing last night.

7.          It’s vacation time; you decide what to do with your friends during this time (complex): You decide what to do with your friends during this time because it’s vacation time.

8.          My uncle is 30 years old; he hears jazz in his car. (Complex): My uncle, who is 30 years old, hears jazz in his car.

9.          You turn off the radio; you’re not listening to music (Complex): you turn off the radio when you’re not listening to music

Internet test

Types of sentences worksheet

 Identify the type of sentence – simple, compound or complex.
  1. The new Harry Potter book is brilliant.          
  2. When the branch snapped, Matt fell out of the tree and broke his arm.      
  3. Elephants are bigger than snails.                 
  4. Elephants, which are large mammals,are bigger than snails.      
  5. Mice like to eat grain and cats like to eat mice
  6. In India, during the monsoon season, it is extremely hot and wet.      
  7. Missy went to the zoo, and she saw the monkeys.
  8. Monica wanted to go on a picnic, but it started to rain.
  9. Although he ate a really big dinner, now he wants to eat cake for dessert